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Available Online

Spiritual Awakening Journey Reading

How does your journey show up in your birth chart?

  • 1 hour
  • 115 British pounds
  • In person or on zoom

Service Description

Astrology has been long renowned as a source of divine wisdom. The birth chart (natal chart), fixed at the moment the umbilical cord is cut and you become an independent person, encompasses every conceivable area of your life, from birth to death and everything in between. It reveals your character, your desires, your needs and your drives and can foretell of the events that will occur throughout your life's journey. Your chart is a map of you. Its symbols describe both inner and outer circumstances and all levels of your personal history and experience, from the physical to the psychological. It reveals your deepest feelings, concerns and desires, showing you what's meaningful to you and how you can shine. An initial Spiritual Awakening Journey Reading will last approximately one hour and during that time I will seek to reveal to you whatever you would like your birth chart to tell you. Every reading I do is different and every reading magically focuses on what you need (and want) to know in the moment. It is always my intention to provide you with a wonderful experience that will serve you in your journey. In an initial reading I will describe the positions of the planets at the time you were born and tell you what their positions and the aspects between them reveal about your journey. We will then focus in on the spiritual aspects of your self to see how your journey is reflected in your chart. If you are finding it challenging we can look at the transits that are affecting you in the moment to understand more about the purpose and the duration. A reading can help to give you some perspective as you understand that everything is happening for you, rather than to you. I have been through this experience myself and can assist and hold space for you on a personal level if you are finding it difficult. One hour may not be long enough to cover everything, though I will do my best to give you as much information as I can during that time. Further readings may be necessary and we can discuss that at the end of the session. Follow up readings are offered at a discounted rate. What do I need from you? In order to give you an accurate reading I need to know the date, time and place that you were born. If you don't know the time or only have a vague idea then please contact me prior to booking so we can discuss that further. Readings can take place in person or on Zoom, if meeting on Zoom please pay for your session when you book.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me as soon as possible (ideally 24 hours) before your appointment. No shows without contact will not be refunded.

Contact Details

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